About Us

About us

Know Universo Saudável

Universo Saudável - Separador
Health and sustainability

3 years taking care of the forest, and taking care of you

Universo Saudável came about in the year of 2016 and has, since then,  searched for ways to improve your eating habits, without losing sight of the forests sustanability

Universo Saudável (Healthy Universe) was born to make your life more natural and tastier. We are the first company focused on the health of the forest and the body. We are in the state of Para, the Amazon gateway. We are at the world’s lungs and we are always searching for ways to create sustainability for the forest and those who inhabit it.

By changing eating habits and respecting nature’s biodiversity and the whole chain of production, we contribute to a perfect MAN – FOREST harmony.

Our fruits, seeds and roots come mainly from small rural producers, the “caboclos”, that find in extractivism the work for their families.

A little more about us

Numbers speak


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